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Bradley Cooper parla del suo doppiaggio di Rocket Raccoon

Bradley Cooper parla del suo doppiaggio di Rocket Raccoon

L'attore di Una notte da leoni, Bradley Cooper, ha rilasciato a Collider una intervista in cui parla del personaggio che doppierà ne I Guardiani della Galassia, ovvero Rocket Raccoon.

Il procione spaziale armato di tutto punto godrà della voce dell'attore, ma non era particolarmente conosciuto dallo stesso: "Non conoscevo bene il fumetto in questione, ma poi l'ho amato profondamente ed apprezzo molto il personaggio di Rocket Raccoon. E' incredibile", ha dichiarato Cooper.
L'attore ha poi parlato di uno scambio di battute tra lui e il regista sulla voce da dare al personaggio: "Una delle cose su cui discutevamo era se fargli avere una tipologia particolare di accento o meno, quello cockney. Ne abbiamo parlato un po' ed abbiamo preso una decisione". 

Stando a quanto dichiara, la voce sarà un mix importante e veramente unico. I Guardiani della Galassia è atteso nel Regno Unito l'1 agosto 2014.
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Pope Francis has been declared Time’s Person Of The Year. Looking back on 2013, he has done some incredibly progressive things to lead the Church.

1. He spoke out against frivolous spending by the Church

Pope-Francis-I-Angelus-and-Blessing-from-the-window-overlooking-St-Peter-s-SquareSource: catholic-ew.org.uk
The average set of cardinal’s clothes costs as much as $20,000. In October, Pope Francis urged officials to dress more modestly and to not squander such money. In the same month, he ordered a German bishop to explain how he had spent $3 million on a marble courtyard.
Source: globalpost.com

2. He invited a boy with Downs Syndrome for a ride in the Popemobile

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During a general audience, Pope Francis invited Alberto di Tullio, a 17-year-old boy with Downs Syndrome, to ride in his Popemobile while thousands watched.
Source: cbsnews.com

3. He embraced and kissed Vinicio Riva

November saw Pope Francis embrace Vinicio Riva, a man scarred by a genetic disease. Fighting agonising pain on a daily basis, such an act restored the faith of a man who says that he is often mocked in public.
Source: cnn.com

4. He denounced the judgment of homosexuals

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Pope Francis has stated several times that the Church has no right to interfere spiritually in the lives of gays and lesbians. Though Francis maintained the right of the Church to express opinions on homosexuality, he believes that Christians should not judge or ridicule. 
Source: cnn.com

5. He held a major ceremony at the chapel of a youth prison

2.Source: incarnationparish.org
In March, the Pope held a major Holy Week service at Casal del Marmo jail for minors, rather than the Vatican. During the service, the pope washed and kissed the feet of 12 young offenders to commemorate Jesus' gesture of humility towards his apostles on the night before he died.
Source: reuters.com

6. He urged the protection of the Amazon Rainforest

20130728nw155 [amazon pope]-001Source: nationalpost.com
During his visit to Brazil, Pope Francis met with natives who have been fighting ranchers and farmers attempting to invade their land. He encouraged that the Amazon be treated as a garden and protected.
Source: nationalpost.com

7. He personally called and consoled a victim of rape

Pope-FrancisSource: catholicvirtue.org
A 44-year old Argentinian woman, raped by a local policeman, was one of thousands to write a letter to Pope Francis in 2013. The woman was surprised when she later received a phone call from Francis himself--who consoled the woman and told her, “You are not alone.”
Source: catholicvirtue.org

8. He snuck out of the Vatican to feed the homeless

6.Source: newsfirst.lk
More recently, it has been discovered that Pope Francis regularly leaves the Vatican at night to feed the homeless. Dressed as an ordinary priest, he joins Archbishop Konrad Krajewski to feed the poor of Rome. 
Source: huffingtonpost.com

10. He acknowledged that atheists can be good people

mujica-pope-francisSource: mercopress.com
Earlier in 2013,  Pope Francis spoke out against the common interpretation within the Church that atheists, by nature, are bad people. He stated that, “Atheists should be seen as good people if they do good.” After meeting the Pope, the openly atheist president of Uruguay, Jose Mujica, compared Francis to a friendly neighbor. 
Source: theguardian.com

11. He condemned the global financial system

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In May, Francis denounced the global financial system for tyrannizing the poor and turning humans into expendable consumer goods. He believes that, “Money has to serve, not to rule!"
Source: timesofmalta.com

12. He fought child abuse

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The Catholic Church has been rocked in recent years by allegations and admissions of child abuse by members of the Church. Pope Francis became the first Pope to take effective action against such atrocities. He ammended Vatican law to make sexual abuse of children a crime, and he also established a committee to fight abuse.
Source: bbc.co.uk

13. He condemned the violence of the Syrian civil war

12.Source: blogspot.com
In regard to the use of chemical weapons in Syria, Pope Francis asked for peace and declared that, "War, never again. Violence never leads to peace, war leads to war, violence leads to violence.”
Source: reuters.com

14. He redirected employee bonuses to charity

pope-francis-2013-2Source: ibtimes.com
When a new Pope is elected, Vatican employees receive a bonus. Upon his election, the extra money was given to directly to charity instead.
Source: washingtonpost.com

15. He spoke out against the Church’s ‘obsession’ with abortion, gay marriage and contraception

15.Source: indiatimes.in
In a voice of reason, Francis shocked the Catholic world when he stated that the Church was an unhealthy obsession with abortion, gay marriage, and contraception. He criticized the Church for putting dogma before love, and for prioritizing moral doctrines over serving the poor and marginalized.
Source: nytimes.com

16. He called for cooperation between Christians and Muslims

Pope Francis waves as he arrives to lead Angelus at VaticanSource: catholicsun.org
During his Angelus address, Francis paid respect to the end of Ramadan. He stated that both Christians and Muslims worship the same God, and he hoped that Christians and Muslims would work together to promote mutual respect.
Source: catholicherald.co.uk

17. He took part in a selfie

17.Source: telegraph.co.uk
In what might be his most progressive feat of all, Pope Francis met with youngsters to be a part of a truly remarkable selfie. He is embracing the present, and he is undoubtedly taking the Church to a more loving and accepting future.
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Scarcerato per un cavillo Antonino Messicati Vitale, arrestato il 7 dicembre del 2012 in Indonesia per mafia ed estorsione.

Una volta libero, scaduti i termini di custodia cautelare, è giunto in Italia da solo, con un volo di linea, e si è presentato ai carabinieri della compagnia di Misilmeri per firmare documenti.

Messicati Vitale, adesso, ha solo l’obbligo di dimora a Palermo. Ma ha presentato ricorso, chiedendo il trasferimento a Portella di Mare, frazione di Misilmeri.

La scarcerazione è stata disposta per un vizio di forma. Un cavillo che ha contribuito a fare scadere i termini di custodia cautelare. Nella richiesta di estradizione, fatta attraverso una rogatoria, infatti, la Procura ha dimenticato di tradurre il testo in indonesiano alla scadenza dei termini.
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Mandela Sign Language Interpreter Says He Had Schizophrenic Episode

Mandela Sign Language Interpreter Says He Had Schizophrenic Episode

The sign language interpreter widely criticized as a "fake" for his performance at Nelson Mandela's memorial service in South Africa says he suffered a schizophrenic episode while on stage, a South African newspaper reported Thursday.

Thamsanqa Jantjie, 34, claims he "lost concentration, and started hearing voices and hallucinating," according to Johannesburg's The Star.

He is quoted as saying, "There was nothing I could do. I was alone in a very dangerous situation. I tried to control myself and not show the world what was going on. I am very sorry, it's the situation I found myself in."

Jantjie reportedly told The Associated Press on Thursday that he had visions of "angels" and previously has been violent.

During Tuesday's memorial service, Jantjie appeared on stage alongside top South African officials and numerous heads of state. He was also within a few feet of President Obama, who eulogized Mandela in a speech that received roars of approval from the tens of thousands of people who packed the country's largest soccer stadium.

Sign language groups in South Africa and around the world that said Jantjie's signing was unintelligible and that he lacked the facial expressions that are crucial in conveying a speaker's words.

The Two-Way reported Wednesday that:

"Among those who noticed what was happening was Wilma Newhoudt, the first deaf person elected to South Africa's parliament and a vice president of the World Federation of the Deaf.
" 'Shame on this male so called interpreter on the stage," she wrote on Twitter during the memorial service. 'What is he signing? He knows that the deaf cannot vocally boo him off. Shame on him!' "
Jantjie went on the radio Thursday and defended his work, repeatedly insisting that he is qualified to serve as an interpreter for such a major event.

"I've interpreted many big events. There was no one at all that said I interpreted wrong," he told Johannesburg's Talk Radio 702. He added: "If I was interpreting wrong through these years, why should it become an issue now? It's one of the questions I've never ever gotten an answer for."

Jantjie told the radio station that the African National Congress, Mandela's political party, had hired him through SA Interpreters, the company where Jantjie has worked for many years.

The ANC has denied that it hired Jantjie and says it is investigating the incident.

But a South African deputy Cabinet minister said Thursday that "a mistake happened" in Jantjie's hiring, the AP reported.

The news service says that:

"Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu said Thursday that government officials have tried to track down the company that provided Thamsanqa Jantjie but that the owners 'have vanished into thin air.' Deputy Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities Bogopane-Zulu apologized to deaf people offended around the world by what they say was Jantjie's incomprehensible signing.

"She says an investigation is under way to determine how Jantjie received a security clearance."
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Google Traduttore aggiornamento, ora ha 80 lingue: novità maori e somalo

Google Traduttore aggiornamento, ora ha 80 lingue: novità maori e somalo
Google Traduttore raggiunge il traguardo numero 80.
Negli ultimi giorni il celeberrimo Google Translate, ossia il servizio della Grande G che permette di tradurre istantaneamente testi da una lingua all’altra ha esteso il proprio supporto a 9 nuove lingue.
Queste ultime si aggiungono quindi alle 71 già disponibili in precedenza su Google Translate, per un totale che tocca quindi quota 80.
Il precedente aggiornamento era stato infatti lanciato nel maggio di quest’anno.